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Travel - and learning the power of habits.

This week, Angelo and I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Vancouver, BC and hold a November Project workout for lululemon's annual leadership conference (and NP YVR). Each year, lululemon brings 1000 or so of its management level employees to is hometown for a 3 day conference filled with inspiration, learning, and opportunities to sweat. Being invited to lead the leaders through what was many of their first November Project experiences was plain, old awesome. The energy, the smiles, the laughter, and the hugs flowed just as freely as the sweat. And anyone that has been to Vancouver knows that the city is spectacular, so having a few days to explore was definitely a bonus.

I've been lucky enough to travel for races and events fairly frequently in the recent months and all the travel has reminded me of one thing - I am a creature of habit. There are 5 things that I try to do every day (even while traveling). I think these 5 habits help make me a more focused, motivated, and successful individual. So I thought I'd share them with you!

1. Make the bed. There are countless articles, pieces of research, and opinions as to why you should make your bed every day. This is my favorite:

2. Turn the water to COLD for the last 60 seconds of your shower. Do me a favor and Google "Wim Hof". And then listen to this podcast:

3. Moisturize! Take care of your skin and it will take care of you. There's no science or articles behind this one, I just think it makes sense to do and feels good. And starting your day feeling good is excellent for having that feeling carry into the rest of the day.

4. Drink bulletproof coffee. With butter. And MCT oil. Stop being scared of fats and start being scared of sugar. I could go on for days here. This is what I suggest - do your own research on bulletproof coffee and on high fat/low carb diets. Form your own opinion. Mine? I'm a fan. I feel amazing. My body responds well to this type of diet and to my bulletproof coffee every morning. Oh, and the guy who trademarked "bulletproof coffee"? Well, he's kind of scum, but that doesn't make the coffee scum as well.

5. Learn something new every day. Read a book. Listen to a podcast. Skim a blog online. Whatever it is, broaden your horizons and your knowledge bank daily. Hell, if you clicked on either of the links above you've probably already learned something! Some of my favorite podcasts: This American Life, The Tim Ferriss Show, The Joe Rogan Experience, RadioLab, Hardcore History, Stuff You Should Know.

These are my habits. What are yours?


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