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Re-Think Your Week

As I write this blog post, it's Monday. The Monday after the Super Bowl, to be exact. What does Monday mean for you? For many people, Monday is a day of fatigue, a day of stress and unhappiness at work, and a overall feeling of being unmotivated as they go back to the "real world" after the weekend.

After Monday comes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Midweek days that are typically structured with routine. Wake up, go to work, maybe go to the gym or maybe go to happy hour, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. Mundane, all the while overridden by the constant question, "Is it Friday yet?"

Ahhh, Friday. A day spent watching the clock inch towards 5PM, getting the minimum done at work, and focusing on the weekend. Didn't get to the gym before work? Probably not going to make it there on a Friday night.

And, of course, the week is punctuated by the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are the "freedom" days. No work, an excuse to stay up late, sleep in late, drink and eat too much, and generally avoid responsibilities.

All leading back to Monday.

Sounds productive, enjoyable, and fufilling, right? Not to me.

I invite you to re-think your week.

Monday. I started my Monday doing jumping jacks on top of a sand dune overlooking the ocean. I started it hugging, laughing, sweating, and all before most people even got out of bed. If you have a November Project in your city, go. It's proven impossible to have an unhappy, frustrating, or otherwise bad day when your mornings begin with a group like that. That's a "case of the Mondays" I'll gladly take.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Don't wish these days away. Use them to the fullest. Plan workouts, meals, and goals in advance to ensure productivity. Make your sweating social. You're much more likely to keep those yoga/run/gym dates if you are meeting friends. Who says happy hour can't be healthy? Set one main goal per day, one activity or project or work task to complete. This will help you stay focused and feel accomplished.

Friday. You should head into Friday with a clear picture of what needs to be finished before the weekend. Focus on those items that will hang over your head over the weekend or will increase stress come Monday if they haven't been done. Stay tuned in and finish them. Believe it or not, the clock will move faster if you're busy all day than if you sit and stare at it.

The weekend. Saturday and Sunday should be enjoyed, but they should be enjoyed responsibly depending upon your goals. There is nothing wrong with the occasional splurge, rest day, or day off from working. However, use those wisely. Being a Saturday or Sunday isn't a valid reason to eat too much, drink too much, skip that workout, or procrastinate on projects and work. If you use that reasoning, you are wasting 29% of each week, leaving only 61% of your week to actively work towards your goals. That's almost 1/3 of your time, your life, fighting against your dreams and goals. That's setting yourself up for failure, plain and simple.

So again, I invite you to re-think your week. Take a closer look at how you're spending your time, what you're doing with your days, patterns and habits that are pushing you towards your goals and dreams, and those that are holding you back. No sugar coating, no justifications, just take a step back and really assess.

How can you create balance? Because balance leads to happiness, it leads to peace, and it paves the path for success.


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